my view of flipping guide

Nice guide! I completely agree with you on the lack of patience mistake people make. At first, I was very impatient and expected my offers to be completed within a minute or two, and if it didn’t work out, I’d just stop trying. I decided to be patient this time and waited about 10 minutes… I bought a large quantity of the item I’m flipping and sold it for a pretty good profit from selling runescape accounts.

How long do you think a person should wait before backing out on the offer?

Haha, glad you like it and are more patient now.

As for waiting, it all depends really. As you flip more and more, it’s more of a gut feeling (sounds weird, but thats how i would explain it haha). IF I had to give you an exact time, I would say an hour to 2 hours is probably enough if the item is common enough. If the item is uncommon, you can wait much longer will no real worries (usually).

Hope that helps a bit :), if u have any more questions, feel free to runescape accounts.

Helping me to make a lot of money.

One thing I’ve noticed while flipping is that flipping slows down a lot after the “prime time” hours for people to play are (Right after school for US players).

Glad it’s helping or I’d have wasted a lot of time for nothing. 😛

And yeah, typically, there are “prime times”, but the good thing with flipping, they don’t effect it much. Also, keep in mind, it’s not only US players, there are a bunch of Euros as well (would make sense since rs is developed there .

About venessaliu

runescape accounts for sale
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